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I just joined matriarchs halfway through
covid and we knocked out this record, 
year of the rat.
We released it through upstate records in new York and we are so stoked with the response. 


Solo Music

Pandemic Album Cover.jpg

Rian Cunningham and I teamed up to create an ep in 2018, but this pandemic has inspired us to rework this ep into an album about the pandemic..what can I say? Darkness has always inspired my lyrics and this is no exception. This album features CHVSE, Renee Phoenix (pink fly, fit for rivals), Klairvoyant, JT Tollas (famous last words, postscript), Jake Munro (munro), and Adam Ryan (My City, My Secret). 

Pick up some merch below.  

Chasing Satellites

the debut ep

Welcome to the chasing satellites movement! 

Chasing satellites is a project that I created, because I wanted to release some more original music. I haven't released anything oringinal since 2013/2014 with mourning lilith. I have been known as a metal screamer, but I have always wanted to sing. so i took a two year hiatus to focus on my singing ability. I knew that if I wanted to continue as a vocalist, that I had to take a step back from screaming and focus on clean vocals. I put the heavy music aside and brought in more RnB, Hip Hop, Country, and even some Rap. Thanks to artists like Halsey, The Weeknd, NF, Chase Atlantic, Astrid S, Rascal Flatts, and James Young, I feel much more capable and confident with my singing." 
















The first single, "Chasing Satellites," had massive support, so I wanted to make sure to give the fans my everything. eric ferraro has written instrumentals on a majority of my music since moving back to the US from Australia. lauren babic co-wrote it the single as well. josh schroeder mixed and mastered it. this song truly sparked my creativity and honestly inspired me to write more. Yes, your music can inspire you to write more music. 


ii - split (feat. demolition)















split is the title track of the album and the most important song, i feel. it brings up the topic of multiple personality disorder. I grew up thinking my brother was possessed by the devil, because i didn't know what mpd was. I wanted to take what i knew about multiple personality disorder and my memories as a child to express what i believe it is like to live with this. I know that i have a touch of it too, but most people that have it don't understand that they have it. this song is very special to me, not only because of my brother, but i also asked my favorite rapper, demolition, to feature on this song. I found him years ago and hit him up, just to let him know that I would record a song with him one day. Well, five years later and we made it happen. euyo thank you for being my monster!   


iii - revolutioneyes















If you know anything about me, you'll know that I am absolutely fascinated and obsessed with the idea of space travel, exploration, and the certainty of life beyond our world. When I got the instrumentals back for the track REVOLUTIONEYES I knew exactly what I would be writing about. Inspired by the great accomplishments of Elon Musk, and thanks to Ashley Vance, for writing her incredible biography about Musk. If you have met me I have most likely brought him up in conversation, and if not, I'm sure I will soon. I shall continue to make connections with people to reach his desk, so that I may film an incredible documentary about him. So, I know you know someone who works for one of his many companies, and I know you'd be stoked to be one of the people in the project, so, share it with them. Share it with Elon! For the sake of...well, my dreams I guess! Haha!Here's the lyric video I made for the song Revolutioneyes, which is a tribute to Elon and a congratulations for overcoming every obstacle and proving everyone wrong! Keep kickin ass, Starman! Black-on-black, that's the Tesla!


iV - fireproof (feat. christina rotondo)















Fireproof was one of those songs that started out with one meaning and molded itself into a different meaning. The song started out as a breakup song from the perspective of the partner that has to break up with you to protect you. It's hard to walk away from someone you love, but sometimes you have to go deal with your shit. 

in 2017 when california was hit with a wave of wildfires i went out to the hills of anaheim and saw first hand the damage these fires can do. from that instant i knew that i had to find a way to give back to the firemen and women out there. I asked the incredibly talented christina rotondo if she wanted to feature on this song and she immediately signed on. thank you for taking this track to the next level. It turned out to be one of the top tracks on the album.   


V - get your facts straight














rian cunningham came in to write "get your facts straight." This was the final track to be completed for the record. i have been filming a lot of protests and documentaries this past year about police brutality. this song brings up topics of corruption, the horror that oil companies are unleashing on this planet for money when there are better options, solitary confinement, private prisons, and the multiple mass shootings we have faced over the years and how frequent and "normal" it's becoming. 

 VI - CONTROL (Bonus track)

















and last but definitely not least, the bonus track. like i said at the beginning, i spent a lot of time practicing my singing to pop and r&B music. Halsey was an artist that i listened to on a daily basis, because she has such an incredible range. control seemed like the perfect puzzle piece to complete the very interesting puzzle that is split.  


Fans can pre-order the SPLIT EP now on Bandcamp and can stream it, iTunes, and Spotify upon release. 

"Chasing Satellites" and "Revolutioneyes" are available to purchase on iTunes and to stream on all digital platforms.

Follow Chasing Satellites & K Online:

Chasing Satellites Instagram | K's Instagram

For all press inquiries:


For business inquiries please fill out the contact form. 


Thanks! Got it!

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